Complex Practice Questions Are Tough To Make.

You will likely be surprised by how long and complex the actual CFA am questions will be on test day. The exam writers are really good. justCalculations attempts to replicate that complexity by creating practice questions that are both combinations of multiple learning objectives with a bit more quantitative complexity.

These complex practice problems teach you to think about the problem differently and how you are setting up your “real estate” or your hidden weapon on test day: how to set up your scratch paper for these longer format calculation problems.

So We Built a Model To Solve The Problem

Start with the Learning Objectives of any quantitative exam. Isolate the “calculate” learning objectives. Then ask a model what concepts it needs to know to solve that set of calculation problems.

Do that over and over until you have a set of functions (about 10,00 lines long) then turn those functions into tools that an LLM can be fine tuned on.

Give that fine-tuned model to an expert author who can then create complex

Let Teachers Focus on Teaching

The way we are able to get working functions for complete problem sets starting with no training and only symbols training is really interesting.

Without training on any textbooks -literally zero- and only building functions from the learning objectives for each exam was a model trained to be able to understand these calculations.

The image on the right is a live look into how the model is connecting concepts, but more importantly, as it trains itself on the symbols in the formulas. Look at the right of the JSON tree.

In the hands of expert and technical writers, this accelerates complex content development by half so the teachers can focus on teaching.

This is not training a model on content.

This is asking a math model what it needs to know to accomplish a calculation problem over and over again until it always gets it right.